While there’s nothing we love more than a good (or crazy) celeb tattoo, sometimes stars don’t exactly think things completely through before getting inked. Take, for example, the delectable Harry Styles , who loved the band Temper Trap so much that he wanted to get lyrics from their song “ Sweet Disposition ” permanently inked on his arm for the rest of his life. Only problem? The lyrics were incorrect, as the band later revealed. Yikes! Equally as awkward are those A-listers (Johnny Depp and Brody Jenner) who decided to get a permanent dedication to their loves — tattoos that actually ended up lasting longer than the relationships. Then there are the handful of celebs (see: Britney Spears and Rihanna ) whose foreign language tats ended up having different meanings than they intended and the stars whose skin art is just completely misspelled. Moral of the story? Double, triple and quadruple-check your art before you get inked! And let these cringe-...
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